MARTIN SYSTEM® electronic training collars are also exceptional in that, in addition to being the only training collars on the market that allow stimulation through low impulses, which is a basic condition for safe, reliable, ethical and fair modern training with your dog, they also offer a wide range of different extensions and add-ons.

Introducing the CTT 4 AND FINGER KICK REMOTE CONTROL SET – the ultimate equipment for owners, amateurs and professional dog trainers who do not accept compromises in efficiency...

Join the pioneers and get exclusive access to the most modern technologies for effective dog training. We present to you an exclusive novelty in the world of...

Complete set of remote control of Martin System electronic training collars - CHAMELEON® III B and Martin System™ Micro Trainer B collars as well as the modern Dogtrophy...

The K9 remote control is the most modern communication device offered by the MARTIN SYSTEM® company, fully compatible with all types of electronic training collars of this brand...

The remote control of Martin System electronic collars - CHAMELEON® III B and Martin System™ Micro Trainer B collars, Finger Kick controllers as well as the Dogtrophy training...