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CHAMELEON® III B - Icon of training collars

CHAMELEON® III B - the best training collar on the market

Martin System - úvod1 EN

Bart Bellon, one of the world's best cynologists, is behind the world-famous Martin System® brand of electronic training collars.

As the only cynologist in the world, he can boast of seven Belgian ringsport championship titles (one of the most difficult canine competitions in the world). In 2002, Bart Bellon even achieved the highest score ever achieved by anyone (before or after) in the Belgian ring sport championship.

Want to know how he did it? The answer is his dog training and education system known as NePoPo®, which literally creates confident and agile dogs that follow every command in every environment with great passion, literally with heart and soul.

As a natural part of this education and training, Bart Bellon also uses Martin System® electronic training collars, in the development of which he himself participated.

Martin System® electronic training collars use 6 key technologies that other electronic collars do not have, and therefore it is not possible to achieve the same results as when connecting Martin System® electronic training collars in combination with NePoPo®.


BE 111 MARTIN SYSTEM Set K9® + Chameleon® III B (Large) + Finger Kick + charging kit
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€1 337,86 incl. VAT
€1 114,88
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the most modern patented technological innovations of the Chameleon ® III B collar , it...

Code: BE-111
BE 110 MARTIN SYSTEM Set K9® + Chameleon® III B (Medium) + Finger Kick + charging kit
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€1 337,86 incl. VAT
€1 114,88
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the most modern patented technological innovations of the Chameleon ® III B collar , it...

Code: BE-110
BE 109 MARTIN SYSTEM Set K9® + Chameleon® III B (Small) + Finger Kick + charging kit
New Free shipping
€1 337,86 incl. VAT
€1 114,88
In stock

Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the most modern patented technological innovations of the Chameleon ® III B collar , it...

Code: BE-109
BE 088 MARTIN SYSTEM Set PT3000 + Chameleon® III B (Large) + Finger Kick + charging kit
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€990,74 incl. VAT
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the latest patented technological innovations , the Chameleon® III B collar provides...

Code: BE-088
BE 087 MARTIN SYSTEM Set PT3000 + Chameleon® III B (Medium) + Finger Kick + charging kit
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€990,74 incl. VAT
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the latest patented technological innovations , the Chameleon® III B...

Code: BE-087
[set cham3B sma PT3000] CHAMELEON® III B SMALL & PT3000 & FINGER KICK
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€990,74 incl. VAT
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the latest patented technological innovations , the Chameleon® III B...

Code: BE-086
BE 082 MARTIN SYSTEM Chameleon® III B (Large) + charging kit 0
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Undoubtedly one of the best training electronic collars on the world market. Thanks to the latest patented technological innovations , the Chameleon® III B collar provides...

Code: BE-081
BE 063 MARTIN SYSTEM Chameleon® Extender MULTI BRAND (Medium)
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You own an electronic collar from the brands Dogtra, Dog Trace, E-Collar Technologies, Garmin, Sit Means Sit, or Sport Dog, you don't want to buy a new collar, but the training...

Code: BE-063
MARTIN SYSTEM Chameleon® Extender MARTIN SYSTEM (Large)
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Do you own a great Martin System™ Micro Trainer B electronic collar, have you been attracted by its training and technological conveniences, and now you want to reach the...

Code: BE-060
9 items total


Known worldwide as the most discreet collar on the market, the Chameleon® III-B electronic training collar meets the needs of any professional or any dog handler who wants discretion and high capabilities and functionality.

The waterproof Chameleon® III-B features unique patents owned exclusively by Martin System®:

  • contact measurement (CMS),
  • consistent reliable stimulation (SSC)
  • small but powerful new high voltage transformer (NHT)
  • small design with long battery life in standby mode reliable,
  • safe and painless stimulation for the dog

Electronic training collars Martin System | Chameleon III B - this is a dog that obeys commands reliably, with enthusiasm, always and everywhere.

The Chameleon® III-B collar is the revolution of the evolution. Professionals know why.