Join the pioneers and get exclusive access to the most modern technologies for effective dog training. We present to you an exclusive novelty in the world of training collars - CTT 4 controller - an innovative approach to training for demanding professionals !
This exclusive set , designed to complement CHAMELEON®IV electronic training collars (collar not included in this set), combines the latest technological innovations to revolutionize dog training.
Don't miss your unique chance to become a leader in dog training with our limited edition CTT 4. Order it today and equip yourself with tools that will greatly improve your methods and deliver exceptional results.
Don't stay in the shadows, be the one who determines the direction of training!
We are happy and proud to present the long-awaited new product in the field of dog training - the CTT 4 remote control, including the charging kit. After years of hard work, research and development, the Martin System team unveils its masterpiece , which marks a true revolution in the world of electronic training collars.
We present to you a product that represents the pinnacle of modern technologies and training methods. Created by an exceptional team led by Michael and Bart Bellon, Chameleon® IV brings a new dimension of efficiency and humanism to the training of your four-legged friends.
What makes CTT 4 in combination with Chameleon® IV so special?
A revolutionary and unique feature of the CTT 4 / Chameleon® IV is the fact that, through a radio signal, the information from the collar is returned to the transmitter, which gives the dog owner/trainer immediate and invaluable information:
• Skin contact
• Quality of the radio signal
• Temperature of the collar
• Indication battery status of the transmitter/collar(s)
Order your CTT 4 controller today and secure your place at the cutting edge of training technology.
Don't miss your chance to be a part of this training revolution. Set CTT 4 + Chameleon® IV is not just an ordinary training collar, it is the key to a new dimension of understanding and communication with your dog. Order your controller or the whole set today and enter the future of dog training with the latest technology from Martin System!
Product detailed description
CTT 4 controller + charging kit - NEW
Introducing the CTT 4 REMOTE CONTROL SET + charging kit – the ultimate equipment for dog owners and professionals who do not accept compromises in efficiency and strive to raise their communication and relationship with their four-legged friends to a whole new level. Designed to complement CHAMELEON®IV electronic training collars (not included in this set), this exclusive set combines the latest technological innovations to revolutionize dog training.
Product Description:
The CTT 4 REMOTE CONTROL SET opens a new era of dog training, where efficiency, humanity and intuitiveness come first. Thanks to the latest technological innovations, this set offers incomparable precision, flexibility and comfort when working with a dog, which guarantees exceptional training results . Whether you are a seasoned professional or a passionate dog owner , this set provides the tools needed to make unprecedented progress in training.
Leave traditional methods and enter a world where dog training is not only more effective, but also kinder and more intuitive. With innovative features such as wireless collar control, temperature monitoring, contact measurement and more, the CTT 4 REMOTE CONTROL SET is the ideal choice for anyone who wants only the best for their dog.
Top 5 product advantages:
Maximum efficiency and accuracy: Monitor key parameters such as collar temperature (your dog's body temperature), battery status and radio signal quality in real time for optimal training results.
Welfare-focused approach: Use modern technology for effective yet gentle training that will keep your dog happy and motivated.
Innovation at your fingertips: The patented FINGER KICK (available for purchase in Black and Red versions) brings a revolutionary way to control the stimulation button wirelessly and without using hands, allowing you to remain fully focused on training.
High level of customization: With the free DOGGIFY mobile app, you can customize the settings of the CTT4 controller according to your needs, whether it is stimulation level, data refresh rate, brightness of the controller display or notification alarms.
Convenience and sustainability: Both wireless and wired charging ensure your devices are always ready for use, while power saving mode and the ability to lock the rotary button prevent unwanted discharge or inadvertent changes to the stimulation level.
Order your CTT 4 REMOTE CONTROL SET today and enter the future of dog training with the latest technology from Martin System.
Be on the cutting edge of innovation and elevate your training methods to a new level. This set includes the CTT 4 REMOTE CONTROL with an easy-to-read backlit color display that allows you to have important Chameleon® IV parameters at your fingertips. It is ideal in combination with the patented FINGER KICK, which enables wireless, contactless control of the stimulation button of your Martin System® remote control.
Other interesting information about the product:
Radio signal feedback: Experience the revolution with the fifth generation of Martin System® technology, offering feedback on Chameleon® IV parameters such as contact data, collar temperature, battery status and signal quality at distances of up to 100 meters.
Collar Sleep Mode: Save your Chameleon® IV's battery when not in use, controllable exclusively by your CTT 4 remote.
Rotary Knob Lock: Prevent unwanted stimulation level changes by securing your current setting.
CTT 4 backlight: Adjust the brightness of your remote control display with DOGGIFY for discreet training sessions; the backlight can be turned off if necessary.
DOGGIFY App: Access an unprecedented level of information and customization with the free DOGGIFY app, including contact and temperature measurements, battery level indicators, customization of device settings and much more.
K9 Connecting to Doggify from Martin System® on Vimeo .
Wireless Charging: Fast and convenient charging of your CTT 4 and Chameleon® IV with both wireless and wired charging options.
Elevate your dog training experience with the CTT REMOTE CONTROL SET + charging kit - a testament to innovation and efficiency in modern dog training.
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Warranty: | 2 years |
Ukážka výcviku psa trénovaného s výcvikovým obojkom CHAMELEON®
Ukážka výcviku psa trénovaného s výcvikovým obojkom CHAMELEON®
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Be the first who will post an article to this item!
Za svetoznámou značkou elektronických výcvikových obojkov Martin System® stojí jeden z najlepších kynológov sveta Bart Bellon.
Ako jediný kynológ na svete sa môže pochváliť siedmimi titulmi šampión belgického ringsportu (jednej z najťažších kynologických súťaží na svete) V roku 2002 Bart Bellon dokonca dosiahol najvyššie skóre, aké kedy kto dosiahol (predtým i potom) na majstrovstvách v belgickom ringu.
Chcete vedieť ako to urobil? Odpoveďou je jeho systém výcviku a výchovy psov známy ako NePoPo®, ktorý doslova tvorí sebavedomé a agilné psy plniace každý povel v každom prostredí s veľkým zanietením a to doslova srdcom a dušou.
Ako prirodzenú súčasť tejto výchovy a výcviku využíva Bart Bellon aj elektronické výcvikové obojky Martin System®, na vývoji ktorých sa sám podieľal.
Elektronické výcvikové obojky Martin System® využívajú 6 kľúčových technológií, ktoré iné elektronické obojky nemajú a preto s nimi nie je možné dosiahnuť také výsledky, ako so zapojením elektronických výcvikových obojkov Martin System® v kombinácii s NePoPo®.
A tu je stručná história samotnej značky Martin System®:
Spoločnosť SA «Nouveaux Etablissements Charles Martin» (ďalej len «Martin System®») bola založená M. Charlesom Martinom.
Prvotnou hlavnou činnosťou spoločnosti bola distribúcia a montáž elektrických vykurovacích systémov, najmä značky ACEC.

Charles Martin a jeho syn Joseph Martin sa rozhodli diverzifikovať svoju činnosť a investovať do výskumu a vývoja systémov výcviku psov, tu sa zrodila značka Martin System®
Z roka na rok aktivita súvisiaca so systémami výcviku psov narastala a bola vyvinutá celá škála produktov pre výcvik psov, ale aj výcvik sokolov a tiež vo všeobecnom výcviku a dozore zvierat.

Akvizícia spoločnosťou BCBB
Viac ako desať rokov Bart & Michael Bellon, majitelia BCBB, úzko spolupracovali s Martin System® a M. Charlesom Martinom. Obchodná aj technologická spolupráca priniesla spoločnosti významnú pridanú hodnotu pri vývoji nových produktov.
Pre M. Charlesa Martina bolo logickým krokom predať a odovzdať spoločnosť BCBB. Medzitým BCBB vyvinula svoje vlastné produkty využívajúce najmodernejšie technológie v elektronike od Martin System.
Prevzatie umožnilo spoločnosti Martin System® ďalej rozvíjať svoje produktové portfólio so správnym zameraním a potrebným trhovým know-how. Skúsenosti M et Mrs Bellon s výcvikom psov predstavujú pre spoločnosť neuveriteľnú výhodu a odlíšenie, ktoré môžete teraz využiť aj Vy !!!