Martin System™ Micro Trainer B - accessories
Martin System™ Micro Trainer B electronic training collars represent a more affordable , but at the same time full-fledged enrichment of your dog's training with a modern approach , the result of which is a confident dog that fulfills commands with joy, full commitment , always and everywhere. Use the offer of accessories for modern electronic training collars Martin System™ Micro Trainer B on this path to success.

Complete set of remote control of Martin System electronic training collars - CHAMELEON® III B and Martin System™ Micro Trainer B collars as well as the modern Dogtrophy...

The K9 remote control is the most modern communication device offered by the MARTIN SYSTEM® company, fully compatible with all types of electronic training collars of this brand...

The remote control of Martin System electronic collars - CHAMELEON® III B and Martin System™ Micro Trainer B collars, Finger Kick controllers as well as the Dogtrophy training...